Mini Bucktail Deceiver Jig
In the world of fishing, environmental conditions and specific predator-prey interactions often predetermines the length of a fly or lure to use. Typically during cold front conditions or prolonged periods of cold weather during the ice fishing season and spring, smaller, downsized patterns work best for freshwater fish in lakes and rivers across the country, particularly in northern latitudes. The Mini Bucktail Deceiver Jig at 2-inches in length is the perfect weapon of choice for bluegills, crappies, and perch across many watersheds of the Midwest, New England and Southeast. Also extremely effective for ice fishing Great Lakes harbors for brown trout, steelhead, and the occassional pike and walleye looking for an easy meal. It is also prevalent in Alaska’s fisheries when targeting Arctic grayling, rainbow trout and Arctic char. Based on the length and profile, this jig is excellent at representing outmigrating salmon smolts in Interior and Coastal Alaska salmon streams. Young-of-the-year pink and chum salmon fry as well as some age-1 Chinooks fall within the 2-inch spectrum, thus demonstrating the hairjigs ability to represent the most important predator-prey interactions that occur in Alaska. Other bait fish species this hairjig variant can represent include gizzard shad, threadfin shad, brook silversides, and emerald shinrs. The mini Bucktail Deceiver jig is tied on a Gamakatsu darter head and available in 3 sizes: 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 ounce. Available in the following color combinations: blueback herring, purpleback herring, fire tiger, gizzard shad, chartruese/white, and olive/brown (e.g. slimy sculpin or round goby imitation). Multiple coats of resin situate the 7 mm holographic Flymen Fishco eyeballs in place. Topping includes mixed combination of holographic flashabou and peacock herl. Lateral line is segmented lateral scale flash. No stinger hook provided unless recommended in the notes when checking out.  All unpainted jig heads are custom painted.